Install Arch Linux 2023.09 x86_64 UEFI (or Not) for Brazilian language.
#loadkeys br-abnt2
#pacman -Syy
Set time:
#timedatectl set-ntp true
If you want to use UEFI, create a disk:
# fdisk /dev/sda
Create a GPT partition (option g)
Create new partitions (option n) with the following specifications:
sda1 - 300MB - Type EFI File System (option 1)
sda2 - 16GB - Type SWAP (option 19)
sda3 - the rest of the disk space - Type Linux Filesystem (root partition) (option 20)
Finish with (option w)
# mkfs.fat -F32 /dev/sda1
If you don't want to use UEFI, create a disk:
# cfdisk /dev/sda
sda1 - 16GB - Type SWAP
sda2 - the rest of the disk space - Type EXT4 (root partition)
Set sda2 bootable
Regardless of your choice, execute:
# mkswap /dev/<partition of swap>
# swapon /dev/<partition of swap>
# mkfs.ext4 /dev/<root partition>
# mount /dev/<root partition> /mnt
# pacman-key --init
# pacman-key --populate
edit /etc/pacman.conf and uncomment ParallelDownloads = 5
# nano /etc/pacman.conf
ParallelDownloads = 5
and Save
# pacstrap -K /mnt linux linux-firmware base base-devel nano
# genfstab -U -p /mnt >> /mnt/etc/fstab
# arch-chroot /mnt
# nano /etc/locale.gen
uncomment a line that you need. ie. pt_BR.UTF-8 UTF-8 and en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8
# locale-gen
# ln -sf /usr/share/zoneinfo/America/Sao_Paulo /etc/localtime
# echo LANG=pt_BR.UTF-8 > /etc/locale.conf
# echo KEYMAP=br-abnt2 > /etc/vconsole.conf
# echo FONT=lat1-16 >> /etc/vconsole.conf
# echo FONT_MAP=8859-1 >> /etc/vconsole.conf
# hwclock --systohc
# echo ArchLinux >> /etc/hostname
# nano /etc/hosts localhost ArchLinux
::1 localhost
#pacman -S dhcpcd
#systemctl enable dhcpcd
# mkinitcpio -P
If appear WARNING, after finish this tutorial, you need to install firmware modules. Search in AUR.
Microcode Install:
For AMD processors, install the amd-ucode package.
#pacman -S amd-ucode
For Intel processors, install the intel-ucode package.
#pacman -S intel-ucode
#pacman -S grub dosfstools os-prober mtools ntfs-3g freetype2
#mkdir /boot/EFI
#mount /dev/sda1 /boot/EFI #Mount FAT32 EFI partition
#grub-install --target=x86_64-efi --bootloader-id=grub_uefi --recheck /dev/sda
(NOT in UEFI case)
#umount -R /mnt
uncomment this line # %wheel ALL=(ALL) ALL
# useradd -mg users -G wheel -s /bin/bash thiago
# passwd thiago
$ sudo pacman -Syu
$ sudo pacman -S xorg
$ sudo pacman -S plasma-meta
$ sudo pacman -S kde-applications-meta
$ sudo systemctl enable sddm
$ sudo systemctl enable NetworkManager
$ sudo pacman -S vlc hunspell hunspell-en_GB gimp libreoffice chromium firefox dialog nmap git
# pacman -S blueman
# pacman -S bluez
# pacman -S bluez-hid2hci
# systemctl enable bluetooth.service
# systemctl start bluetooth.service
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